Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Achilles Heel..The Bathroom

I clean it, it gets dirty.

I scrub the tub, the children have pasta for dinner and leave an orange ring. I scrub again.

I mop the floor, Nugget has a pee-pee spill that looms out of the toilet. I mop again.

I sweep the floor, Nugget and Meatball walk into the room after lunch or dinner trekking the cheerios or mac-n-cheese that stuck to their shirt. I sweep again.

I hang a hand towel, the children wipe their hands and it falls on the floor. I hang it again.

I clean the sink, my husband brushes his teeth and leaves spit marks around the bowl. I scrub again.

I clean the toilet, my husband seems to miss and leaves drops around the ring. I clean it again, Nugget leaves drops around the ring. I clean it again, daycare boy misses and spreads pee around the seat. I clean it again.

I change a diaper, the dog pulls it out of the waste bin and pulls it apart. I clean, sweep and mop again. By the time that's done, someone has pooped again.

Repeat the above steps.....every day of the week. I ask the bathroom gods, "Will my hosue ever be clean?"

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