Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Doing It...I'm Doing It...Day 2 of Potty Training

Rewards in life come in all different forms; your first job, your first raise, first promotion, the honeymoon after your wedding, your body after a successful diet, and watching your child start using the potty.

I did this. I'm doing this. Though the morning started off rocky, I wasn't sure I wanted to do it again, afraid of having to bad days in a row, and I procrastinated another hour by creating a potty chart that needed to be hung before I could get started, I ended up pulling it together and having, what I would call, a successful day 2 on the potty.

I set my timer for every 20 minutes, trekked them back to the potty (remember I'm training my son and the 3 year old I do daycare for) and set another timer for 5 minutes, the length of which they had to sit and try.

All in all, I put on my best face, screamed like a lunatic when they went, danced my way to the potty every time, and best of all, I didn't have to fake any of it. Once I saw that what I was doing was working the energy became contagious and I became the kids and my own cheerleader. Yes they were going to the potty, but I was teaching them. I was teaching them. Seems like such a small thing to get excited about, or to say what I'm about to say, but this has honestly been one of the most rewarding things in my life. Trumping my article assignments, career as a writer, being a mother, etc., teaching my son to go on the potty has almost become a liberating experience that has me wanted to jump from the rafters and call my mom.

'Mom, can you believe I did this?' I want to say. "I taught my son how to use the potty." In my mind she'll be so proud.

"Good for you," she'll say when I call her tomorrow morning. "It's not easy honey, but you're doing it."

And she's right. I am doing it. And, frankly, I'm damn good at it. At least I was today.

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