Monday, February 15, 2010

Can I Take A Day OFF? PTD # 8

I woke up tired, sore, and in the beginning stages of my period. Though I went to bed at nine my body feels as if I haven't slept in days. I'm dragging, two cups of coffee have yet to help me, the kids are cranky (probably because I'm not up to speed, and I'm trying to think of something to do to get the kids out of the house so that my husband can catch up on a little sleep since he worked til 1 am. All in all, I don't want to potty train today. I just want to put a pull up on my son and little daycare boy and let them go in them. Is that detrimental? Could one day of slacking demise my weeks worth of training? And how do I know when they're potty trained anyway? Is there a sign, a hidden clue, a motherly instinct that will tell me? Does simply asking to use the potty mean they're trained? How about dry pull ups after nap time or an afternoon out? Lack of accidents? Repulsion to diapers? Ability to flush? How will I know?

Do these questions mean I need to read the book? Or...maybe I could work my way through it again and do it on my own....hmmm...lets search the Internet and see what it says.

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