Sunday, November 2, 2008

About last night

PS) I forgot to mention in my previous post that I did try the 20 minutes of crying than 20 minutes of holding and it worked after the second round. Only I was so tired that I feel asleep during his last crying battle and woke an hour later to Nugget making a strange noise. I looked at the clock and realized the 20 minute battle worked and that we'd both fell asleep sometime during the last hour. Nervous that the noise was Nugget choking to death on something he's found in his crib, or that he'd somehow slipped his legs through the bars and broken them, I jumped out of bed and peeked in on him. He wasn't there. I touched the mattress and swayed my arm around, but there was no baby. My eyes darted to the floor. Could he have somehow tumbled over the bar? No, no baby on the floor. But he's a baby, where could he have gone? And suddenly I heard the noise come from the corner of the crib that I was leaning over. I squinted my eyes and looked down to see poor Nugget sound asleep in a sitting position against the soft corner of his bumper pads. His head and shoulders were slumped down and he was making an odd type of sighing noise. I gently picked him up and nestled him back down on his mattress and tucked him in while he continued his cute little sighing snore. Poor Nugget, he must have cried himself into the corner. It really was cute, but man it made me feel like a horrible mother for doing that to him. Luckily he smiled and laughed at me this morning, leaning in to give me his open mouth kisses that he gets so excited about, and seemed to forget all about the night before. But I still feel quilty.

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