Thursday, February 11, 2010

Potty Training Isn't Overnight

Maybe it's his age. Nugget just turned two in December and I'm potty training. Controversial I know. But this potty training isn't happening overnight. Is it his age, my method, or something else?

I know it will come in time, but I honestly don't want to do them steps things. You know, step one switch him to pull ups and practice, step two let him get the hang of the potty at home but keep him in pull ups when we go out, step three break the pull up cycle when we go out but keep them on at night, step four tackle the pull ups at night and prepare to go commando.

In an article I just wrote for Parenting, due our in the May issue, I interviewed Potty Training Expert and author of "Potty Train Your Child In Just One Day," Teri Crane. Her method was a one day diaper swoop, offering a 98% guarantee. In fairness to myself the article I wrote was on planning a potty party, an idea she recommends to successful training that works the first time. I interviewed and wrote about HOW to get your mommy friends together and throw a potty party together. (For my own vanity issues I needed to reiterate this fact in case you're wondering why I'm writing articles about potty training, yet struggling with questions about potty training my own son and day care boy). And now, as I'm in the thick of potty training I'm wondering how her idea would work on my two boys. Would throwing a potty party with their friends, and, okay, an excuse to get some moms to come over and entertain me. Hmmmm, maybe this should be a follow up for the magazines.

Moms, if this peeks your interest, and you'd be willing for you and your child's picture to be in a magazine, send me your info and I'll get back to you.

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