Friday, February 13, 2009

Poop in the Tub

So I have to ask, or vent or just blog about Nugget and his latest poop in the tub episodes. At first it was a random thing. I remember calling my husband at work, "Nugget pooped in the tub today!" We laughed.
Two weeks later, on a horrible gone wrong day which I labeled "Knoop Luck" back in one of my blogs, it happened again. I called my mom, "He pooped in the tub again!"
She laughed.
Now, a month later, at least that's what it feels like in mom time, it's happened twice in one week, only this time I caught him before more than one-shall we say nugget-came out. Dripping wet I frantically yanked my son from the tub and sat him on the toilet. Now, we're not even close to being potty trained yet, he's only 1, and though I've wanted to start introducing the seat others have informed me it will be a waist of time since baby #2 is due in 3 months and he'll quickly revert, if I believe that or not is another story, but anyways I sat him on the toilet. He did the rest of his business while I held on to him and drained the tub, catching the floating-nugget-before it went down the drain. I called everyone who would listen this time. No one laughed. "Maybe it's the warm water?" "Maybe it's because he plays so hard and splashes so much?" "Maybe you should wait a while longer after you feed him before sticking him in."
Whatever the case I have come to the conclusion that my son is a tub pooper, and that maybe ruling out the possibility of putting a swimmy diaper on him isn't such a bad idea, for me anyways. After all I am the one who spends the extra time cleaning him, the tub and the toys that might have come in contact with the -nugget- water. Just don't alert my mom or elders on this one. I just might have to hear about that for a long while to come if this swimmy blog leaks.

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