Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rec Center Sign Ups

I woke up at 6:30 this morning, not because of the baby but because of Swim Class Registration. Think I'm nuts? Not if you've ever signed up for a course at the library or rec before. By the time I dressed my son, forced him to drink an early bottle, gulped-literally-a cup of coffee and made it to the rec there was already a line around the corner. And I got there at 7:15! Sign up wasn't for another 45 minutes, but apparently I still wasn't early enough. Thankfully my little 8 month old successfully made the swim class cut off! Which means I will have several Fall mornings to bask in the bubble blowing warm pool of the rec with my smiling son.
I've already got it planned out in my mind. We'll take a nice walk to the rec, swim and play for an hour and then change back into our weekend cozy sweats, stop at Starbucks for a deliciously warm coffee and copy of the Times and tuck my little one into bed for a nice nap while I read and sip the rest of the afternoon away (or an hour of it at least).
Fall is already starting to sound so lovely.

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