$31.oo. That's what we spent on pumpkins yesterday. This may not be a big thing for some people, but for me, a girl who moved here from Upstate and would have paid less than $20 for three big pumpkins, it was hard to swallow. Especially when another mother passed me and whispered, "You know, LB is having a Fall Festival this weekend and pumpkins are only a dollar. Look, don't buy."
Possibly paying $3.00 for three pumpkins and saving $28.00, which I could have blown on fudge, cookies and all the other crafts and goodies that are sure to be at the festival tomorrow, haunts me. But for the day I had with my family at Dee's I'd have paid ten times more.
As you know I'm a huge farm stand lover. I trekked through all the stands out East last summer, and again this summer. I promised myself that I'd come back with my son to get our pumpkins. But life happens, people get busy and you end up trying to squeeze memorable moment into an afternoon. So instead of missing defeat, and passing on the pumpkin patch all together, we headed on down to Dee's, paid to much for pumpkins and spent a great hour placing Nugget between piles of pumpkins, showing him the fish in the ponds and taking him through the haunted aisle inside Dee's-together. That has to be my favorite word when it comes to doing things with my husband and my son-together.
Tomorrow I'll voyage on over to LB's Fall Festival with my friend coffee bean and her son and check it out. I'm sure I'll buy a few more pumpkins to decorate the apartment with, feasts on lots of sweet treats and take a billion pictures of what should be a great Fall afternoon. But best of all I won't feel guilty about experiencing a Fall Festival with pumpkins and kids things and sweet treats while my husbands off at work and not with us, because we did it together first.
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