Some say it's bad. Some say it's good. But whatever the outcome my morning, afternoon, and sometimes late evening coffee is somethings I can't get rid of. I love it. The aroma that pours through my machine and wakes me in the morning brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of being little and waking up to the smell of my grandmother's peculating coffee, which by the way-if you have a peculator and peculate your coffee you'll never be able to get me out of your house, I'm absolutely in love with it.
As I glide from my bed, with Nugget in tow, I anticipate that cup of coffee like it's a return home kiss from my husband. I slowly pour my coffee into my favorite mug and stick my face above the warm steam that flows up and wrap my hands around it's heat. But that first sip, that warm, delicious, soothing sip of heaven, purges my heart. Everything I've thought about, worried about, or dreaded that my day was to bring, melts away in that first hot trickle of coffee gliding down my throat.
So how bad could my morning addiction be?
Even if my husband's worried that I've upgraded my coffee to the 'Holy Cow' at my favorite coffee shop. But it's so delicious, and heart warming, how could I ever say good-bye to that delightful part of my life?
Besides, what's up with those non-coffee drinkers? How in the world do they accomplish everything in their day? I think a study should be done-coffee drinkers vs. non-coffee drinkers. Who's got more on their schedule? You can't tell me Martha Stewart does all she does without a couple of mugs of Joe!
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