Saturday, April 25, 2009

Park Play date

Well mom's the gods have heard our cries and decided that we've suffered enough. The winter and rainy weather that seemed as if it would never end is slowly making it's departure and making room for the warmer weather. Ah, the joys of outside, no more jacket battles, inside play dates, treks to the mall just for an outing or brainstorming forms of child entertainment to keep your wee one from destroying your home in a single hour.
Lets throw on our flip flops or jogging sneakers, stroll out the door without multiple layers, hats, gloves and extra blankets covering our children and spend the day walking the boardwalk, playing on the beach, meeting other moms and babies at the park and breathing in the fresh air together.
Boardwalk Babies would like to invite you to join us for a park play date at Pacific Playground on Saturday, May 2nd at 10 o'clock.
It's been a long one moms, let's get out there and see if April showers really do bring May flowers. If it does we should see a plethora out there.
Hope to see you there!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cute new calendar necklace trend

Calendar Girl
Dalla Nonna Calendar Necklaces

Her fever put a kibosh on Saturday dinner plans. His stomachache spoiled your girls’ lunch. The neighbor’s kid has sniffles, so there goes the playdate. Yes, you’ve learned to fill your calendar in pencil.

But some dates deserve to be etched in something more permanent.

Dalla Nonna jewelry has just the fix: a calendar necklace. Inspired by vintage tie pins, the tiny charms (about half the size of a key) acknowledge big dates.

The pendants come in silver or gold (rose, yellow, and white). You designate month and day, choose matte or shiny finish, and select a colored sapphire. If your daughter was born in June and your son in April, order one for each month and request the chains at different lengths.

That way, you can wear one lower down.

In case something else comes up.

Available online at